In 2025, Dr Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes was appointed as the new Director for the Centre of Human Rights Education.
Note from the Director

CHRE is like a home to me. Shortly after I arrived from Ethiopia, I was welcomed here as family. I studied my MA and PhD at the Centre and have been working as a researcher and lecturer for the last 11 years. During this time, I have learned significant lessons about the relevance and significance of human rights education not just for our students but also for the public at large. I accept the responsibility of Director because I believe in the vision, hard work and commitment of the founders, staff and students of CHRE past and present.
In a world embattled by multiple crises, human rights are more important today than ever before. In the past 20 years, CHRE has developed a unique and successful human rights program that continues to equip our students and communities with hope, knowledge and capabilities that are critically important to advocate for dignity, fairness and justice. CHRE takes the lived experiences and the positions of voiceless people seriously. We recognise the significance of a decolonial approach to teaching and learning and believe in learning from the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, Global South communities, and refugees.
I strongly believe that we can consolidate these successes and build new ones by involving the people who made the Centre such a renowned space for advocacy, research and teaching.