Past conference information
10th Anniversary Celebration of the Curtin Centre for Human Rights Education and Human Rights Day – 10 December 2013
The celebration was a half day of events including workshops with presentations by Professor Linda Briskman, Emeritus Professor Jim Ife, Dr Lucy Fiske, Dr Lisa Hartley, Dr Caroline Fleay, Dr Lynda Blanchard and Dennis Eggington.
The Keynote address was delivered by Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and renowned peace activist. Ms Gandhi travelled from South Africa to be with the Centre at a difficult time in South Africa’s history, just after the passing of Nelson Mandela. It was a privilege to have her with us.
The day also included a photographic exhibition of works by Walkley award winning Hazara photojournalist, Barat Ali Batoor and live music by performed by The Romeros.
We also acknowledge the students of the Centre, past and present, for their contributions to our celebration by giving their time to be in a video and for playing music on the day. Their contribution was much appreciated.
The audio recordings of the day’s event are below:
Session 1 including introduction and welcome – Professor Linda Briskman – online audio recording 57 minutes.
Session 2 – Professor Jim Ife – online audio recording 57 minutes.
Session 3 – Panel discussion with Dr Lucy Fiske, Dr Lisa Hartley, Dr Caroline Fleay, Dr Lynda Blanchard and Dennis Eggington – online audio recording 1 hour 33 minutes.
Keynote address – Ela Gandhi – online audio recording 1 hour and 42 minutes.
You can also watch the video of Ela Gandhi’s keynote address via Youtube, 1 hour.
Mental Health and Human Rights Conference – 26 August 2006
The Centre for Human Rights Education organised the Mental Health and Human Rights Conference at Curtin University with Judyth Watson and Beryl Harp both welcoming attendees. An opening was done by Michael Gowarth and the Honourable J A McGinty, MLA, the then Minister for Health.
A Keynote address titled ‘Identifying, protecting and enhancing the human rights of people with psychiatric disabilities’ was delivered by Dr Ian Freckelton.
Following the keynote was a panel discussion about ‘The Rights of People with a Mental Illness’. Ms Yvonne Henderson, Commissioner for Equal Opportunity then spoke about ‘Discrimination: Room for Community Education?’ and following this was a conversation with Ms Michelle Scott, Public Advocate, Dr Rowan Davidson, Chief Psychiatrist, Mr Murray Allen, president, Mental Health Review Board, Facilitated by Dr Ian Freckelton.

Curtin provides venue for first Iraqi national government election – December 2005
Curtin University and the Centre for Human Rights Education provided the venue for the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq to open polling booths for Perth based Iraqi citizens to vote in the election of the first Iraqi national government.